Click in the information columns to access:
- Photos of each species taken by COG members.
- Information from the Birds of Canberra Gardens book.
- Distribution, seasonal occurrence, breeding and other information from COG's bird sighting database.
- Bird calls.
Change the order of the table by clicking on column headers, or SORT BY TAXONOMY.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Family Group | Status in ACT | More Info… |
Emu | Dromaius novaehollandiae | Emu | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
Magpie Goose | Anseranas semipalmata |
Previously extinct, now...
Previously extinct, now reintroduced. Rare, breeding resident. Although restricted to the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Sanctuary, the birds are free-flying and so may, in the future, establish wild populations. |
Stubble Quail | Coturnix pectoralis | Quail | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Brown Quail | Synoicus ypsilophorus | Quail | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. |
Brown Quail |
Indian Peafowl | Pavo cristatus |
Rare breeding resident/escapee. An...
Rare breeding resident/escapee. An introduced species. |
Plumed Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna eytoni | Swan and Ducks | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Musk Duck | Biziura lobata | Swan and Ducks | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
Freckled Duck | Stictonetta naevosa | Swan and Ducks | Uncommon, non-breeding visitor.... Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Black Swan | Cygnus atratus | Swan and Ducks | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Domestic Greylag Goose | Anser anser domesticus | An introduced bird. Common,... An introduced bird. Common, breeding resident. | ||
Muscovy Duck | Cairina moschata domestica | Swan and Ducks |
An introduced bird. Common,...
An introduced bird. Common, breeding resident. |
Australian Shelduck | Tadorna tadornoides | Swan and Ducks | Rare, breeding visitor. Rare, breeding visitor. | |
Australian Wood Duck | Chenonetta jubata | Swan and Ducks | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. | |
Pink-eared Duck | Malacorhynchus membranaceus | Swan and Ducks | Uncommon, breeding visitor. Uncommon, breeding visitor. | |
Australasian Shoveler | Spatula rhynchotis | Swan and Ducks | Uncommon, breeding visitor. Uncommon, breeding visitor. | |
Grey Teal | Anas gracilis | Swan and Ducks | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Grey Teal |
Chestnut Teal | Anas castanea | Swan and Ducks | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Northern Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | Swan and Ducks | An introduced species not yet... An introduced species not yet recorded in the ACT but included here to avoid misclassifications within the Mallard group. | |
Domestic Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos domesticus | Swan and Ducks |
Uncommon, breeding resident. An...
Uncommon, breeding resident. An introduced species. |
Pacific Black Duck | Anas superciliosa | Swan and Ducks | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. | |
Pacific Black Duck x Domestic Mallard | Anas superciliosa x Anas platyrhynchos domesticus | Swan and Ducks |
Uncommon, breeding resident.
Uncommon, breeding resident. |
Hardhead | Aythya australis | Swan and Ducks | Common, breeding visitor. Common, breeding visitor. | |
Blue-billed Duck | Oxyura australis | Swan and Ducks | Rare, breeding resident. Declared... Rare, breeding resident. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Australian Brush-turkey | Alectura lathami |
Non-breeding vagrant.
Non-breeding vagrant. |
Australasian Grebe | Tachybaptus novaehollandiae | Grebes, Darter and Cormorants | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Hoary-headed Grebe | Poliocephalus poliocephalus | Grebes, Darter and Cormorants | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus | Grebes, Darter and Cormorants | Rare, breeding visitor. Rare, breeding visitor. | |
Rock Dove | Columba livia | Pigeons and Doves | Very common, breeding resident. An... Very common, breeding resident. An introduced species. | |
White-headed Pigeon | Columba leucomela | Pigeons and Doves | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Spotted Dove | Streptopelia chinensis | Pigeons and Doves | Uncommon, breeding resident. An... Uncommon, breeding resident. An introduced species. | |
Brown-capped Emerald-Dove | Chalcophaps longirostris |
Non-breeding vagrant.
Non-breeding vagrant. |
Common Bronzewing | Phaps chalcoptera | Pigeons and Doves | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Brush Bronzewing | Phaps elegans | Pigeons and Doves | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
Crested Pigeon | Ocyphaps lophotes | Pigeons and Doves | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. | |
Diamond Dove | Geopelia cuneata | Pigeons and Doves | Rare, non-breeding visitor/escapee. Rare, non-breeding visitor/escapee. | |
Peaceful Dove | Geopelia placida | Pigeons and Doves | Rare, non-breeding resident. Rare, non-breeding resident. | |
Bar-shouldered Dove | Geopelia humeralis | Pigeons and Doves | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Wonga Pigeon | Leucosarcia melanoleuca | Pigeons and Doves | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
Superb Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus superbus | Non-breeding vagrant. Declared... Non-breeding vagrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | ||
Tawny Frogmouth | Podargus strigoides | Nocturnal Birds | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Tawny Frogmouth |
White-throated Nightjar | Eurostopodus mystacalis | Nocturnal Birds | Rare, breeding summer visitor. Rare, breeding summer visitor. | |
Spotted Nightjar * | Eurostopodus argus |
Non-breeding vagrant.
Non-breeding vagrant. |
Australian Owlet-nightjar | Aegotheles cristatus | Nocturnal Birds | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
White-throated Needletail | Hirundapus caudacutus | Swifts | Uncommon, non-breeding summer... Uncommon, non-breeding summer migrant. | |
Fork-tailed Swift | Apus pacificus | Swifts | Rare, non-breeding summer migrant. Rare, non-breeding summer migrant. | |
White-faced Storm-Petrel | Pelagodroma marina |
Accidental. |
Wedge-tailed Shearwater | Ardenna pacifica |
Accidental. |
Australasian Darter | Anhinga novaehollandiae | Grebes, Darter and Cormorants | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Little Pied Cormorant | Microcarbo melanoleucos | Grebes, Darter and Cormorants | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. | |
Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo | Grebes, Darter and Cormorants | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Little Black Cormorant | Phalacrocorax sulcirostris | Grebes, Darter and Cormorants | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. | |
Pied Cormorant | Phalacrocorax varius | Grebes, Darter and Cormorants | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Australian Pelican | Pelecanus conspicillatus | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Common, non-breeding visitor. Common, non-breeding visitor. | |
Black-necked Stork | Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Non-breeding vagrant . Declared... Non-breeding vagrant . Declared Endangered in NSW. | |
Australasian Bittern | Botaurus poiciloptilus | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Non-breeding vagrant. Declared... Non-breeding vagrant. Declared Endangered in NSW and under the EPBC Act. | |
Australian Little Bittern | Ixobrychus minutus | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Rare, breeding visitor. Rare, breeding visitor. | |
White-necked Heron | Ardea pacifica | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Uncommon, breeding visitor. Uncommon, breeding visitor. | |
Great Egret | Ardea alba | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. | |
Intermediate Egret | Ardea intermedia | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. | |
White-faced Heron | Egretta novaehollandiae | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Little Egret | Egretta garzetta | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Nankeen Night-Heron | Nycticorax caledonicus | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Uncommon, breeding visitor. Uncommon, breeding visitor. | |
Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Australian White Ibis | Threskiornis moluccus | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Straw-necked Ibis | Threskiornis spinicollis | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Common, non-breeding visitor. Common, non-breeding visitor. | |
Royal Spoonbill | Platalea regia | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Uncommon, breeding visitor. Uncommon, breeding visitor. | |
Yellow-billed Spoonbill | Platalea flavipes | Pelican, Egrets, Herons, Ibis, Spoonbills and Storks | Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. | |
Osprey * | Pandion haliaetus |
Non-breeding vagrant. Declared...
Non-breeding vagrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. |
Black-shouldered Kite | Elanus axillaris | Raptors | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Letter-winged Kite | Elanus scriptus | Raptors | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Square-tailed Kite | Lophoictinia isura |
Non-breeding vagrant.
Non-breeding vagrant. |
White-bellied Sea-Eagle | Haliaeetus leucogaster | Raptors | Uncommon, breeding visitor. Uncommon, breeding visitor. | |
Whistling Kite | Haliastur sphenurus | Raptors | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Black Kite | Milvus migrans | Raptors | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Brown Goshawk | Accipiter fasciatus | Raptors | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Brown Goshawk |
Collared Sparrowhawk | Accipiter cirrocephalus | Raptors | Common, breeding resident/summer... Common, breeding resident/summer migrant. |
Collared Sparrowhawk |
Grey Goshawk | Accipiter novaehollandiae | Raptors | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Spotted Harrier | Circus assimilis | Raptors | Rare, non-breeding visitor.... Rare, non-breeding visitor. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Swamp Harrier | Circus approximans | Raptors | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
Wedge-tailed Eagle | Aquila audax | Raptors | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Little Eagle | Hieraaetus morphnoides | Raptors | Uncommon, breeding resident.... Uncommon, breeding resident. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT and NSW. | |
Nankeen Kestrel | Falco cenchroides | Raptors | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Brown Falcon | Falco berigora | Raptors | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Australian Hobby | Falco longipennis | Raptors | Common, breeding resident/summer... Common, breeding resident/summer migrant. | |
Grey Falcon | Falco hypoleucos | Raptors | Non-breeding vagrant. Declared... Non-breeding vagrant. Declared Endangered in NSW. | |
Black Falcon | Falco subniger | Raptors | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus | Raptors | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. |
Peregrine Falcon |
Brolga | Antigone rubicunda | Brolga and Bustard | Extinct. Declared Vulnerable in... Extinct. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Purple Swamphen | Porphyrio porphyrio | Rails | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. | |
Lewin’s Rail | Lewinia pectoralis | Rails | Rare, breeding visitor. Rare, breeding visitor. | |
Buff-banded Rail | Hypotaenidia philippensis | Rails | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. | |
Baillon’s Crake | Zapornia pusilla | Rails | Rare, non-breeding summer migrant. Rare, non-breeding summer migrant. | |
Australian Spotted Crake | Porzana fluminea | Rails | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. | |
Spotless Crake | Zapornia tabuensis | Rails | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. | |
Black-tailed Native-hen | Tribonyx ventralis | Rails | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Dusky Moorhen | Gallinula tenebrosa | Rails | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Eurasian Coot | Fulica atra | Rails | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. | |
Australian Bustard | Ardeotis australis | Brolga and Bustard | Extinct. Declared Endangered in... Extinct. Declared Endangered in NSW. |
Australian Bustard |
Bush Stone-curlew | Burhinus grallarius | Various Water Birds | Previously extinct but reintroduced... Previously extinct but reintroduced at Mulligans Flat NR as a free-flying population. Rare, breeding resident. Declared Endangered in NSW. |
Bush Stone-curlew |
Pied Stilt | Himantopus leucocephalus | Various Water Birds | Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. Uncommon, non-breeding visitor. | |
Red-necked Avocet | Recurvirostra novaehollandiae | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Pacific Golden Plover | Pluvialis fulva | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Red-capped Plover | Charadrius ruficapillus | Various Water Birds | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Double-banded Plover | Charadrius bicinctus | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Black-fronted Dotterel | Elseyornis melanops | Various Water Birds | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Red-kneed Dotterel | Erythrogonys cinctus | Various Water Birds | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. | |
Banded Lapwing | Vanellus tricolor | Various Water Birds | Rare, breeding visitor. Rare, breeding visitor. | |
Masked Lapwing | Vanellus miles | Various Water Birds | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Plains-wanderer | Pedionomus torquatus | Plains-wanderer | Extinct. Declared Endangered in... Extinct. Declared Endangered in NSW. | |
Australian Painted-snipe | Rostratula australis | Various Water Birds | Rare, non-breeding visitor.... Rare, non-breeding visitor. Declared Endangered in NSW and under the EPBC Act. | |
Latham’s Snipe | Gallinago hardwickii | Various Water Birds | Common, non-breeding summer... Common, non-breeding summer migrant. | |
Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Eastern Curlew | Numenius madagascariensis | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos | Various Water Birds | Rare, non-breeding summer migrant. Rare, non-breeding summer migrant. | |
Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Marsh Sandpiper | Tringa stagnatilis | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Red Knot | Calidris canutus | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | ||
Red-necked Stint | Calidris ruficollis | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Long-toed Stint | Calidris subminuta | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Pectoral Sandpiper | Calidris melanotos | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | Calidris acuminata | Various Water Birds | Uncommon, non-breeding summer... Uncommon, non-breeding summer migrant. | |
Curlew Sandpiper | Calidris ferruginea | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Declared... Non-breeding vagrant. Declared Endangered in NSW. | |
Painted Button-quail | Turnix varius | Button-quail | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Red-chested Button-quail | Turnix pyrrhothorax | Breeding vagrant. Breeding vagrant. | ||
Little Button-quail | Turnix velox | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | ||
Long-tailed Jaeger | Stercorarius longicaudus |
Accidental; remains found in a...
Accidental; remains found in a Peregrine Falcon nest in 1994. |
Common Gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon nilotica | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Caspian Tern | Hydroprogne caspia | Various Water Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
White-winged Black Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus |
Non-breeding vagrant.
Non-breeding vagrant. |
Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida | Various Water Birds | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Silver Gull | Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae | Various Water Birds | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Glossy Black-Cockatoo | Calyptorhynchus lathami | Cockatoos | Rare, breeding visitor. Declared... Rare, breeding visitor. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT and NSW. | |
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo | Zanda funereus | Cockatoos | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo |
Gang-gang Cockatoo | Callocephalon fimbriatum | Cockatoos | Common, breeding... Common, breeding resident/altitudinal migrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. |
Gang-gang Cockatoo |
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo | Cacatua leadbeateri | Cockatoos | Non-breeding escapee. Declared... Non-breeding escapee. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Galah | Eolophus roseicapilla | Cockatoos | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Galah |
Long-billed Corella | Cacatua tenuirostris | Cockatoos | Uncommon, breeding... Uncommon, breeding resident/escapee. | |
Little Corella | Cacatua sanguinea | Cockatoos | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Little Corella |
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo | Cacatua galerita | Cockatoos | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo |
Cockatiel | Nymphicus hollandicus | Cockatoos | Rare, non-breeding visitor/escapee. Rare, non-breeding visitor/escapee. | |
Rainbow Lorikeet | Trichoglossus moluccanus | Parrots | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Rainbow Lorikeet |
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet | Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus | Parrots | Non-breeding vagrant/escapee. Non-breeding vagrant/escapee. | |
Musk Lorikeet | Glossopsitta concinna | Parrots | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Little Lorikeet | Glossopsitta pusilla | Parrots | Rare, non-breeding visitor.... Rare, non-breeding visitor. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Purple-crowned Lorikeet | Glossopsitta porphyrocephala |
Non-breeding vagrant. Declared...
Non-breeding vagrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. |
Australian King-Parrot | Alisterus scapularis | Parrots | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Australian King-Parrot |
Superb Parrot | Polytelis swainsonii | Parrots | Common, breeding summer migrant.... Common, breeding summer migrant. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT, NSW and under the EPBC Act. | |
Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans | Parrots | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Crimson Rosella |
Eastern Rosella | Platycercus eximius | Parrots | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Eastern Rosella |
Swift Parrot | Lathamus discolor | Parrots | Rare, non-breeding winter migrant.... Rare, non-breeding winter migrant. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT, Endangered in NSW and Critically Endangered under the EPBC Act. | |
Red-rumped Parrot | Psephotus haematonotus | Parrots | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Red-rumped Parrot |
Budgerigar | Melopsittacus undulatus | Parrots | Rare, non-breeding visitor/escapee. Rare, non-breeding visitor/escapee. | |
Blue-winged Parrot | Neophema chrysostoma | Parrots | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Turquoise Parrot | Neophema pulchella | Parrots | Non-breeding vagrant/escapee.... Non-breeding vagrant/escapee. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Eastern Koel | Eudynamys orientalis | Cuckoos | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. | |
Channel-billed Cuckoo | Scythrops novaehollandiae | Cuckoos | Rare, non-breeding summer migrant. Rare, non-breeding summer migrant. | |
Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo | Chalcites basalis | Cuckoos | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo |
Black-eared Cuckoo | Chalcites osculans | Cuckoos | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo | Chalcites lucidus | Cuckoos | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Shining Bronze-Cuckoo |
Pallid Cuckoo | Heteroscenes pallidus | Cuckoos | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Pallid Cuckoo |
Fan-tailed Cuckoo | Cacomantis flabelliformis | Cuckoos | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Fan-tailed Cuckoo |
Brush Cuckoo | Cacomantis variolosus | Cuckoos | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. | |
Powerful Owl | Ninox strenua | Nocturnal Birds | Rare, breeding resident. Declared... Rare, breeding resident. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Barking Owl | Ninox connivens | Nocturnal Birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Declared... Non-breeding vagrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Southern Boobook | Ninox boobook | Nocturnal Birds | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Southern Boobook |
Masked Owl | Tyto novaehollandiae | Non-breeding vagrant. Declared... Non-breeding vagrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | ||
Barn Owl | Tyto alba | Nocturnal Birds | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Azure Kingfisher | Ceyx azureus | Kookaburra, Kingfishers, Bee-eater and Dollarbird | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Laughing Kookaburra | Dacelo novaeguineae | Kookaburra, Kingfishers, Bee-eater and Dollarbird | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Laughing Kookaburra |
Red-backed Kingfisher | Todiramphus pyrrhopygius | Kookaburra, Kingfishers, Bee-eater and Dollarbird | Breeding vagrant. Breeding vagrant. | |
Sacred Kingfisher | Todiramphus sanctus | Kookaburra, Kingfishers, Bee-eater and Dollarbird | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Sacred Kingfisher |
Rainbow Bee-eater | Merops ornatus | Kookaburra, Kingfishers, Bee-eater and Dollarbird | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Rainbow Bee-eater |
Dollarbird | Eurystomus orientalis | Kookaburra, Kingfishers, Bee-eater and Dollarbird | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. |
Dollarbird |
Superb Lyrebird | Menura novaehollandiae | Lyrebird | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
White-throated Treecreeper | Cormobates leucophaea | Treecreepers | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
White-throated Treecreeper |
Red-browed Treecreeper | Climacteris erythrops | Treecreepers | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Brown Treecreeper | Climacteris picumnus | Treecreepers | Rare, breeding resident. Eastern... Rare, breeding resident. Eastern sub-species declared Vulnerable in the ACT and NSW. |
Brown Treecreeper |
Satin Bowerbird | Ptilonorhynchus violaceus | Bowerbird, Ravens, Chough and Apostlebird | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Superb Fairy-wren | Malurus cyaneus | Fairy-wren | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Superb Fairy-wren |
Pilotbird | Pycnoptilus floccosus | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
White-browed Scrubwren | Sericornis frontalis | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
White-browed Scrubwren |
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren | Calamanthus pyrrhopygius | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
Speckled Warbler | Pyrrholaemus sagittatus | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Uncommon, breeding resident.... Uncommon, breeding resident. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. |
Speckled Warbler |
Weebill | Smicrornis brevirostris | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Weebill |
Brown Gerygone | Gerygone mouki | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Rare, winter visitor. Rare, winter visitor. | |
Western Gerygone | Gerygone fusca | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Western Gerygone |
White-throated Gerygone | Gerygone olivacea | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
White-throated Gerygone |
Striated Thornbill | Acanthiza lineata | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Striated Thornbill |
Yellow Thornbill | Acanthiza nana | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. |
Yellow Thornbill |
Yellow-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza chrysorrhoa | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Yellow-rumped Thornbill |
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza uropygialis | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Buff-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza reguloides | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Buff-rumped Thornbill |
Brown Thornbill | Acanthiza pusilla | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Brown Thornbill |
Southern Whiteface | Aphelocephala leucopsis | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Spotted Pardalote | Pardalotus punctatus | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Very common, breeding... Very common, breeding resident/migrant. |
Spotted Pardalote |
Striated Pardalote | Pardalotus striatus | Scrubwrens, Gerygones, Thornbills, Pardalotes and allied birds | Very common, breeding... Very common, breeding resident/migrant. | |
Eastern Spinebill | Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris | Honeyeaters | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Eastern Spinebill |
Lewin’s Honeyeater | Meliphaga lewinii | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Yellow-faced Honeyeater | Caligavis chrysops | Honeyeaters | Very common, breeding... Very common, breeding resident/summer migrant. |
Yellow-faced Honeyeater |
Singing Honeyeater | Gavicalis virescens | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
White-eared Honeyeater | Nesoptilotis leucotis | Honeyeaters | Common, breeding... Common, breeding resident/altitudinal migrant. |
White-eared Honeyeater |
Yellow-tufted Honeyeater | Lichenostomus melanops | Honeyeaters | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
Fuscous Honeyeater | Ptilotula fusca | Honeyeaters | Uncommon, breeding resident/autumn... Uncommon, breeding resident/autumn migrant. |
Fuscous Honeyeater |
White-plumed Honeyeater | Ptilotula penicillata | Honeyeaters | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
White-plumed Honeyeater |
White-fronted Honeyeater | Purnella albifrons | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Bell Miner | Manorina melanophrys | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Noisy Miner | Manorina melanocephala | Honeyeaters | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Noisy Miner |
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater | Acanthagenys rufogularis | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Little Wattlebird | Anthochaera chrysoptera | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Regent Honeyeater | Anthochaera phrygia | Honeyeaters | Rare, breeding visitor. Declared... Rare, breeding visitor. Declared Endangered in the ACT and Critically Endangered in NSW and under the EPBC Act. |
Regent Honeyeater |
Red Wattlebird | Anthochaera carunculata | Honeyeaters | Very common, breeding... Very common, breeding resident/autumn migrant. |
Red Wattlebird |
Crimson Chat | Epthianura tricolor | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
White-fronted Chat | Epthianura albifrons | Honeyeaters | Rare, breeding resident. Declared... Rare, breeding resident. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Black Honeyeater | Sugomel niger | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Scarlet Honeyeater | Myzomela sanguinolenta | Honeyeaters | Rare, non-breeding visitor. Rare, non-breeding visitor. | |
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater | Glyciphila melanops | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Crescent Honeyeater | Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus | Honeyeaters | Uncommon, breeding... Uncommon, breeding resident/altitudinal migrant. | |
New Holland Honeyeater | Phylidonyris novaehollandiae | Honeyeaters | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
White-cheeked Honeyeater | Phylidonyris niger |
Non-breeding vagrant. Suggestion of...
Non-breeding vagrant. Suggestion of breeding with New Holland Honeyeater, producing hybrids. |
Black-chinned Honeyeater | Melithreptus gularis | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Eastern... Non-breeding vagrant. Eastern sub-species declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Brown-headed Honeyeater | Melithreptus brevirostris | Honeyeaters | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Brown-headed Honeyeater |
White-naped Honeyeater | Melithreptus lunatus | Honeyeaters | Very common, breeding... Very common, breeding resident/summer migrant. |
White-naped Honeyeater |
Blue-faced Honeyeater | Entomyzon cyanotis | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Noisy Friarbird | Philemon corniculatus | Honeyeaters | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Noisy Friarbird |
Little Friarbird | Philemon citreogularis | Honeyeaters | Rare, breeding summer migrant. Rare, breeding summer migrant. | |
Striped Honeyeater | Plectorhyncha lanceolata | Honeyeaters | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Painted Honeyeater | Grantiella picta | Honeyeaters | Rare, breeding visitor. Declared... Rare, breeding visitor. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT, NSW and under the EPBC Act. | |
Grey-crowned Babbler | Pomatostomus temporalis | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Non-breeding vagrant. Eastern... Non-breeding vagrant. Eastern sub-species declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
White-browed Babbler | Pomatostomus superciliosus | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Spotted Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma punctatum | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Eastern Whipbird | Psophodes olivaceus | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Varied Sittella | Daphoenositta chrysoptera | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Uncommon, breeding resident .... Uncommon, breeding resident . Declared Vulnerable in the ACT and NSW. |
Varied Sittella |
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike | Coracina novaehollandiae | Cuckoo-shrikes, Figbird and Oriole | Common, breeding resident/summer... Common, breeding resident/summer migrant. | |
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike | Coracina papuensis | Cuckoo-shrikes, Figbird and Oriole | Rare, non-breeding autumn migrant. Rare, non-breeding autumn migrant. | |
Cicadabird | Edolisoma tenuirostris | Cuckoo-shrikes, Figbird and Oriole | Rare, breeding summer migrant. Rare, breeding summer migrant. | |
White-winged Triller | Lalage tricolor | Cuckoo-shrikes, Figbird and Oriole | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant.... Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT. |
White-winged Triller |
Crested Shrike-tit | Falcunculus frontatus | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. | |
Olive Whistler | Pachycephala olivacea | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Uncommon, breeding... Uncommon, breeding resident/altitudinal migrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Golden Whistler | Pachycephala pectoralis | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Common, breeding... Common, breeding resident/altitudinal migrant. |
Golden Whistler |
Rufous Whistler | Pachycephala rufiventris | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Rufous Whistler |
Grey Shrike-thrush | Colluricincla harmonica | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Grey Shrike-thrush |
Australasian Figbird | Sphecotheres vieilloti | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | ||
Olive-backed Oriole | Oriolus sagittatus | Cuckoo-shrikes, Figbird and Oriole | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Olive-backed Oriole |
Masked Woodswallow | Artamus personatus | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs and Magpie | Rare, breeding summer migrant. Rare, breeding summer migrant. | |
White-browed Woodswallow | Artamus superciliosus | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs and Magpie | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. | |
Dusky Woodswallow | Artamus cyanopterus | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs and Magpie | Common, breeding summer migrant.... Common, breeding summer migrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. |
Dusky Woodswallow |
Grey Butcherbird | Cracticus torquatus | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs and Magpie | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Pied Butcherbird | Cracticus nigrogularis | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs and Magpie | Rare, breeding visitor. Rare, breeding visitor. | |
Australian Magpie | Gymnorhina tibicen | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs and Magpie | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Australian Magpie |
Pied Currawong | Strepera graculina | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs and Magpie | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Pied Currawong |
Grey Currawong | Strepera versicolor | Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Currawongs and Magpie | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. |
Grey Currawong |
Spangled Drongo | Dicrurus bracteatus | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Non breeding vagrant. Non breeding vagrant. | |
Rufous Fantail | Rhipidura rufifrons | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. |
Rufous Fantail |
Grey Fantail | Rhipidura fuliginosa | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Common, breeding resident/summer... Common, breeding resident/summer migrant. |
Grey Fantail |
Willie Wagtail | Rhipidura leucophrys | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Willie Wagtail |
Australian Raven | Corvus coronoides | Bowerbird, Ravens, Chough and Apostlebird | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Australian Raven |
Little Raven | Corvus mellori | Bowerbird, Ravens, Chough and Apostlebird | Uncommon, breeding resident/winter... Uncommon, breeding resident/winter migrant. |
Little Raven |
Leaden Flycatcher | Myiagra rubecula | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. |
Leaden Flycatcher |
Satin Flycatcher | Myiagra cyanoleuca | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. |
Satin Flycatcher |
Restless Flycatcher | Myiagra inquieta | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Rare, breeding resident. Rare, breeding resident. |
Restless Flycatcher |
Black-faced Monarch | Monarcha melanopsis | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Magpie-lark | Grallina cyanoleuca | Babblers, Sittella, Whistlers and Flycatchers | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
Magpie-lark |
White-winged Chough | Corcorax melanorhamphos | Bowerbird, Ravens, Chough and Apostlebird | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. |
White-winged Chough |
Apostlebird | Struthidea cinerea | Bowerbird, Ravens, Chough and Apostlebird | Non-breeding vagrant. Non-breeding vagrant. | |
Jacky Winter | Microeca fascinans | Robins | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Scarlet Robin | Petroica boodang | Robins | Uncommon, breeding... Uncommon, breeding resident/altitudinal migrant. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT and NSW. Species name boodang as per ACT legislation. |
Scarlet Robin |
Red-capped Robin | Petroica goodenovii | Robins | Uncommon, breeding visitor. Uncommon, breeding visitor. | |
Flame Robin | Petroica phoenicea | Robins | Uncommon, breeding... Uncommon, breeding resident/altitudinal migrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. |
Flame Robin |
Rose Robin | Petroica rosea | Robins | Uncommon, breeding migrant. Uncommon, breeding migrant. |
Rose Robin |
Pink Robin | Petroica rodinogaster | Robins | Rare, non-breeding winter migrant.... Rare, non-breeding winter migrant. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
Hooded Robin | Melanodryas cucullata | Robins | Rare, breeding resident. Declared... Rare, breeding resident. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT, the same status as the south-eastern subspecies in NSW. |
Hooded Robin |
Eastern Yellow Robin | Eopsaltria australis | Robins | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. |
Eastern Yellow Robin |
Horsfield’s Bushlark | Mirafra javanica | Larks and Pipit | Rare, breeding summer migrant. Rare, breeding summer migrant. | |
Eurasian Skylark | Alauda arvensis | Larks and Pipit | Common, breeding resident. An... Common, breeding resident. An introduced species. | |
Golden-headed Cisticola | Cisticola exilis | Old World Warblers | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Australian Reed-Warbler | Acrocephalus australis | Old World Warblers | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. | |
Tawny Grassbird | Cincloramphus timoriensis |
Non-breeding vagrant.
Non-breeding vagrant. |
Little Grassbird | Poodytes gramineus | Old World Warblers | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Rufous Songlark | Cincloramphus mathewsi | Old World Warblers | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. | |
Brown Songlark | Cincloramphus cruralis | Old World Warblers | Rare, breeding summer migrant. Rare, breeding summer migrant. | |
Silvereye | Zosterops lateralis | Silvereye | Very common, breeding... Very common, breeding resident/migrant. | |
White-backed Swallow | Cheramoeca leucosterna | Swallows and Martins | Breeding vagrant. Breeding vagrant. | |
Welcome Swallow | Hirundo neoxena | Swallows and Martins | Very common, breeding resident. Very common, breeding resident. | |
Fairy Martin | Petrochelidon ariel | Swallows and Martins | Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. Uncommon, breeding summer migrant. | |
Tree Martin | Petrochelidon nigricans | Swallows and Martins | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. | |
Red-whiskered Bulbul | Pycnonotus jocosus | Thrushes, Starlings and Bulbul | Non-breeding vagrant. An introduced... Non-breeding vagrant. An introduced species. | |
Bassian Thrush | Zoothera lunulata | Thrushes, Starlings and Bulbul | Uncommon, breeding... Uncommon, breeding resident/altitudinal migrant. | |
Common Blackbird | Turdus merula | Thrushes, Starlings and Bulbul | Common, breeding resident. An... Common, breeding resident. An introduced species. |
Common Blackbird |
Song Thrush | Turdus philomelos | Thrushes, Starlings and Bulbul | Extinct. An introduced species. Extinct. An introduced species. | |
Common Starling | Sturnus vulgaris | Thrushes, Starlings and Bulbul | Very common, breeding resident. An... Very common, breeding resident. An introduced species. |
Common Starling |
Common Myna | Acridotheres tristis | Thrushes, Starlings and Bulbul | Very common, breeding resident. An... Very common, breeding resident. An introduced species. |
Common Myna |
Mistletoebird | Dicaeum hirundinaceum | Mistletoebird | Common, breeding summer migrant. Common, breeding summer migrant. | |
Zebra Finch | Taeniopygia guttata | Finches | Rare, breeding visitor/escapee. Rare, breeding visitor/escapee. | |
Double-barred Finch | Taeniopygia bichenovii | Finches | Uncommon, breeding resident. Uncommon, breeding resident. | |
Plum-headed Finch | Neochmia modesta | Finches | Non-breeding vagrant/escapee. Non-breeding vagrant/escapee. | |
Red-browed Finch | Neochmia temporalis | Finches | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
Diamond Firetail | Stagonopleura guttata | Finches | Uncommon, breeding resident.... Uncommon, breeding resident. Declared Vulnerable in NSW. | |
House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | Finches | Common, breeding resident. An... Common, breeding resident. An introduced species. | |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | Finches | Extinct. An introduced species. Extinct. An introduced species. | |
Australasian Pipit | Anthus novaeseelandiae | Larks and Pipit | Common, breeding resident. Common, breeding resident. | |
European Goldfinch | Carduelis carduelis | Finches | Common, breeding resident. An... Common, breeding resident. An introduced species. | |
Common Greenfinch | Chloris chloris | Finches | Uncommon, breeding resident. An... Uncommon, breeding resident. An introduced species. |