Join on the spot – EASIEST – Come to a meeting and join on the spot (after enjoying a couple of interesting presentations). You will need to fill out an application form (available at the meeting) and be able to pay by cash or cheque.
Join online – FASTEST– Fill out the form below and pay by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Join by mail– ALTERNATIVELY– you can download a PDF form suitable for printing and send the completed form by mail with cheque or money order (not cash) to:
The Secretary,
PO Box 331
Jamison Centre ACT 2614
Please contact if you have questions or problems with subscribing.
Annual membership fees
Membership fees are $50 single and $55 for a family, and cover the July-June year.
Renewals can be made in the same ways as joining – at a meeting (bring cash or cheque), online (use the form below and pay by Electronic funds transfer (EFT)), or by post. When renewing please ensure you let us know of any changes in your contact details since last year.
The Membership Officer will send out a reminder notice in June to all Canberra Birds members advising that their membership is due for renewal from 1 July at which time the membership fee should be paid. If unpaid, membership will lapse from the end of September.
Electronic payment
If you join or renew using the form below, please pay by Bank Transfer (Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)). It is important to identify your payment on the bank transfer in the ‘receiver’s reference’ field so we know who the payment came from. We suggest you use your name, or as much of it as will fit. Transfer funds to:
Canberra Ornithologists Group Inc St George Bank Acc number 050111462 BSB 112-908