Common Bronzewing

Phaps chalcoptera

The Common Bronzewing inhabits woodland with a scrubby understorey and is not well suited to suburban areas. It comes into the suburbs singly or in small groups to feed under wattle trees, particularly after the shedding of seed. However, the species may sometimes feed in quite open areas.

Numbers varied widely from year to year, partly because they were recorded from relatively few sites. Even so, there appears to be an increase in sightings since 1993-94.

When all years are combined there is no clear seasonal trend unlike the observations up to 1997-98 when there were more sightings in the summer months. Breeding records are only from Cook in 1984-87, even though that site was surveyed for 14 years. Nests were recorded from late September to late November and dependent young from mid-November to mid-December. R=80. BR=57.

