Eastern Rosella

Platycercus eximius


Eastern Rosellas are almost as conspicuous as Crimson Rosellas. They too are at home in any garden, with similar food preferences to those of Crimson Rosellas, but are far more likely to feed on grass seeds. They are generally in slightly smaller groups than Crimson Rosellas.

Eastern Rosellas show a fairly even annual abundance with a dip in numbers during the summer breeding season. Unlike the Australian King-Parrot and Crimson Rosella, their numbers have not changed greatly over the survey period. This may be because the Eastern Rosella is an inhabitant of open woodland whereas the other two species are by preference forest inhabitants.

Breeding records seem stable. Activity at nesting hollows is from mid-August to mid-December. Dependent young are noticed from mid-October to mid-March though most are seen in January and February. R=9. BR=14.

