Calyptorhynchus funereus
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos are large and conspicuous, with a distinctive creaky call, and are relatively common in the forested areas (including pine forests) around Canberra. Survey records are mainly from the western suburbs where large flocks up to 60 birds can be seen moving to or from the ranges.
There is a strong seasonal trend with almost no records between October and February, but with numbers increasing from March to a peak in August. This seasonal distribution is probably related to their reproductive cycle – the birds breeding in the ranges over summer, congregating into winter foraging flocks, then entering the suburbs to seek alternative food sources. The species increased markedly over the period of the survey, with very few records for the first 10 years followed by an uneven but significant increase in later years. There was a temporary increase in records following the 2003 Canberra bushfires as a result of birds moving into urban areas. R=54. BR= 49.