Crimson Rosella

Platycerys Elegans

These conspicuous birds have vivid colours, musical calls and are tolerant of humans. Crimson Rosellas readily visit most gardens searching for seeds and fruit. They are usually found in twos or threes, but may occur in much larger groups.

This species has doubled in numbers over the survey period but numbers have remained steady over the last ten years. The reason for the increase is not clear but is likely due to increased food supply. They are widely distributed throughout the suburbs, surrounding parks, and open wooded spaces. Numbers are fairly regular throughout the year with a slight dip in numbers from October to December.

The number of breeding records has varied over the survey period but there is evidence of a real change in behaviour. For the first six years, all breeding records were of dependent young only. Since 1987 there have been regular records of adults on nests and inspecting hollows from August to October. Dependent young records are from November to February with a rare early record in late October. R=3. BR=9.
