Information on the birds in our region to answer common (and less common) questions.
What does a Spotted Pardalote look like?
Do goshawks normally nest in July?
Is it unusual to find a Superb Parrot in Canberra/Namadgi/my suburb?
Is this a rare bird?
When do Koels arrive?
Are seagulls becoming more or less common in the ACT?
BIRD INFO gives a complete list of all the birds found in the Canberra region (actually the COG Area of Interest). The list includes a summary of the status of each bird in the region and can be sorted in a variety of ways to more easily find what you are after. For each species, the icons at the right hand side also provide access to . . .
The Photo Gallery contains thousands of images of almost all species found in the Canberra area, all taken by COG members over the years. The Gallery is due for a major upgrade soon. COG’s Copyright Policy sets out the conditions of donation and use of the images, videos and sound recordings published on this website.
Canberra Garden Birds includes information on birds found in suburban Canberra by members who participate in COG’s long-standing Garden Bird Survey. Not all species found in the extended Canberra Region are covered since not all are found in Canberra Gardens! The detailed information here is extracts from the second edition of COG’s popular Birds of Canberra Gardens book.
Statistical information for each species includes geographic distribution, seasonal variation in occurrence on a month by month basis throughout the year, long term variation in occurrence, and breeding times. This information is a summary of the hundreds of thousands of records in COG’s bird databases, including formal surveys and incidental observations over several decades. Presented as charts and graphs and available by clicking on the graph icons on the BIRD INFO page.
Want more info?
Wider or more specialised data can be accessed for projects that support COG’s objectives in conservation, research and education. If you have a project that could benefit from access to these data, you can apply to COG using the form linked below. Please send completed forms to
Application Form to access COG data