Description: We will walk around Lake Tuggeranong on the pedestrian path. It is an easy walk. We will look for the Common Sandpiper that spends several months a year in this area.
Meeting Place: The car park at the Sea Scouts Hall on the eastern side of Lake Tuggeranong.
Meeting Time: 09:00
Walking distance: 6.7 Km circuit.
End time: Approximately 11:30
What to bring: Water, sunscreen. a hat and sturdy shoes. Wet weather gear if considered necessary.
Name of leader and contact details: Please register with the leader, Lia Battisson by email to, providing your name and mobile number, and the name and mobile number of an emergency contact.
Nine members gathered to walk around Lake Tuggeranong, parking by the Sea Scouts Hall on the eastern side of the Lake. It was overcast, but pleasant. The Common Sandpiper was our target species, so we spent some extra time by the inlet channel from Wanniassa, where it has been seen frequently in the past, but it didn’t show. Most of us did manage to get glimpses of a Rakali foraging below the dam. As we continued in an anti-clockwise direction, participants were given the option to do the whole 6.2km circuit, or return to the car park the way we had come if they preferred. Only one person opted to do the latter. There were two pairs of Black Swans, one with three cygnets. Other highlights were Noisy Friarbirds and White-faced Heron, of which we possibly saw two pairs.
Lia Battisson