Campbell Park

From the Australian War Memorial drive east along Fairbairn Ave for 1.8 km and turn left into Northcott Drive. At 2.3 km turn right and drive around the east side of the carpark to the far end at H3 on UBD map 60 (35 16 53 S; 149 10 29 E). The carpark is good for Noisy Miners and Red-rumped Parrots.

The scrubby forest across the road to the north is excellent for bush birds and the easiest place in Canberra to see Grey Kangaroos.

Walk north to a horse gate at (35 16 42 S; 149 10 36 E). Weebills, Spotted and Striated Pardalotes, Buff-rumped and Yellow-rumped Thornbills, Crimson and Eastern Rosellas are most likely along the way, and in spring/early summer the White-winged Triller may be calling. East from the gate you will see a small dam. The trees around the dam are good for Australian Magpie, Magpie-lark, and Willie Wagtail. In the summer look for Dusky Woodswallows, White-plumed Honeyeater, Varied Sittella and Dollarbird here.

Through the gate veer left up the hill for White-throated Gerygones and Speckled Warbler or continue along the park boundary to some dams at (35 16 23 S; 149 10 49 E) looking for Crested Pigeon and Common Bronzewing along the way. Noisy Friarbirds are common here during the summer months.

