COG meetings are held at 7:30 pm on the second Wednesday of every month at:
Multimedia Theatre
Canberra Girls Grammar School,
Cnr Gawler Cres and Melbourne Ave,
Deakin ACT.
TEMPORARY DIRECTIONS TO MEETING VENUE IN 2024 (during construction work around Gabriel Drive)
Please use the Chapel Drive entrance and park there. See map below. Once parked proceed down past the Chapel and smaller Admin Offices, keeping them to your left. Just past the latter turn left along a relatively flat and straight broad path keeping the columns to you left. Near to the end, go left up the 3 m wide steps, turn half right and you will find an open glass door. Go through this, across the empty room and past the toilets, and then either enter the MMT through the bottom door or go further along and up the steps where you reach the usual entry door. Though it is well lit, as it will be dark a torch for finding your way to the MMT and back to your car after the meeting is recommended.

Enter from Gawler Cres via Gabriel Drive (parking for 40 cars) or Chapel Drive (60 cars). Gabriel Drive is the closest and easiest but usually fills up fairly quickly. |