The Pinnacle NR

Sun 29 May 2022 09:00am

John Brannan

Description: Peri-urban Canberra Nature Park reserve with a mixture of vegetation types, including remnant dry sclerophyll (Red Stringybark) forest, grassy box woodland, planted woodland and areas of open grassland. Possible birds include Scarlet Robin, Speckled Warbler, various thornbills, Weebill, White-throated Treecreeper, Golden Whistler, various honeyeaters, etc.

eBird hotspots: The Pinnacle Nature Reserve

Meeting time and place: 9.00 am at the reserve entrance at the end of Dungowan St, Hawker. On-street parking is available on Dungowan St.

Walking distance: 4-5 km

Degree of difficulty: Easy to medium

End time (approx.):11.30

What to bring: Water, morning tea

Participants must register with the leader, providing their name and mobile number, and the name and mobile number of an emergency contact

Numbers limited: Yes (15)

Name of leader and contact details

John Brannan
Mob.: 0405 331 405

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