Turquoise Parrot
Neophema pulchellaNon-breeding vagrant/escapee. Declared Vulnerable in NSW.
Melopsittacus undulatusRare, non-breeding visitor/escapee.
Red-rumped Parrot
Psephotus haematonotusCommon, breeding resident.
Swift Parrot
Lathamus discolorRare, non-breeding winter migrant. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT, Endangered in NSW and Critically Endangered under the EPBC Act.
Eastern Rosella
Platycercus eximiusVery common, breeding resident.
Crimson Rosella
Platycercus elegansVery common, breeding resident.
Superb Parrot
Polytelis swainsoniiCommon, breeding summer migrant. Declared Vulnerable in the ACT, NSW and under the EPBC Act.
Australian King-Parrot
Alisterus scapularisCommon, breeding resident.
Little Lorikeet
Glossopsitta pusillaRare, non-breeding visitor. Declared Vulnerable in NSW.
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
Trichoglossus chlorolepidotusNon-breeding vagrant/escapee.
Rainbow Lorikeet
Trichoglossus moluccanusCommon, breeding resident.