We will meet at Namadgi Visitors Centre at 8:30 on 17 January 2018 to car pool for the 20km (approximately) drive to Glendale Depot. On our last trip we found good numbers of Brown Treecreepers and robins of various species. For those not familiar with Glendale Depot it is a little further down Booboyan Rd than Orraral Rd.
As this is a longer than usual trip, and people may wish to explore the Vistors Centre on return, bringing lunch might be a good idea. Certainly bring water. If a total fire ban is declared the walk will be cancelled.
For members interest here are a couple of clips showing the general area. First from Google Earth (we’ll park at the depot in the middle of the open area):
Then from Google Maps in Terrain view, showing the contours and the fire-trails.
Wed 17 January 2018 08:30am
Martin ButterfieldPost event report
22 Members (I don’t think there were any guests) arrived at Glendale Depot after car pooling at the Namadgi Visitors Centre. It was fortunate that some of those present had recently visited Glendale and were aware that the gate is often closed: a change in policy.
Our route was essentially a figure 8 starting by walking towards the Mighty Gudgenby River and then up towards the Depot itself. An early Good Bird was the pair of resident Sacred Kingfishers. They were soon followed by 3 Southern Whiteface which obligingly perched on various fences, wires and Verbascum stalks allowing most of us good looks. A family of Fuscous Honeyeaters (2 adults and 3 chicks) were observed in some eucalypts, which was quite exciting for some.
Proceeding towards the Depot a Lathams Snipe was flushed from a small watercourse. This landed in, and was flushed again, accompanied by two others, from a damp, reedy area below the dam. The dam contained two Australasian Grebes and a Pacific Duck. The woodland around the dam contained 2 Diamond Firetails and at least 15 more Fuscous Honeyeaters and 5 Common Bronzewings. As we left the area 19 Australian Wood Duck flew in.
We then travelled across country, logging up to 5 Rufous Songlarks and considering estimates of the number of Little Ravens in a dominant eucalypt. The best estimate – a tree nearly full – was rejected and 50 was adopted. More Fuscous Honeyeaters were seen and the final agreed tally was 40.
Overall we recorded 48 species (and a mixed record of Fairy/Tree Martins as the main observer couldn’t be sure which they were). A full list is at this eBird checklist.