Description: Red Rocks Gorge has been a Peregrine Falcon nesting site for many years. The current pair of falcons have an excellent record of raising three chicks each year. The walk is timed to give participants a look across the gorge at the nest site and hopefully the chicks, which will be about four weeks from fledging. There are usually plenty of birds to see along the way. The gorge is a little over 3km from Kambah Pool, so the walk is about 6km, on a narrow track on undulating ground. Please wear sturdy shoes, and bring water, suncreen and a hat.
End Time: Between 11 am and 12 pm. Please remember to take morning tea which we will have out in the field.
Meeting time and place: Meet at 8:00 am at the Kambah Pool carpark. At the end of Kambah Pool Rd, take the turn to the left to the main carpark.
Name of leader and contact details: To participate, please contact Sandra by e-mail at – please include your mobile and emergency contact numbers.