Less-visited TSRs of Bungendore

Sun 04 October 2020 08:30am

David McDonald

Description: We will visit two Travelling Stock Reserves (TSRs) in the Bungendore/Tarago area: Sweeney’s and Duck Creek. Both are beautiful woodland areas that are part of a five-year conservation project conducted by the Molonglo Conservation Group. The iconic Scarlet Robin is a possibility, along with other grassy/woodland birds and a suite of returning migrant species.


eBird hotspots: https://ebird.org/australia/hotspot/L4568734 and https://ebird.org/australia/hotspot/L9829457


Meeting time and place: 08:30 am at the carpark of Mick Sherd Oval, Gibraltar Street, Bungendore: -‑35.254229, 149.444036


Walking distance: 4 km approx

Degree of difficulty: Easy


End time (approx.): 12:00 noon


What to bring: Water & morning tea


Need to register: Yes, by email or text, giving name, mobile number, and emergency contact (details below.


Numbers limited: Yes, maximum 15


Name of leader and contact details: David McDonald 04Oct20@canberrabirds.org.au, phone 0416 231 890.


Post event report

David McDonald led this very interesting excursion to two travelling stock reserves most of us had not visited previously.

We started at Duck Flat TSR, which is on both sides of the road. This was a nostalgic outing for Jean, who lived on the adjacent property many years ago.

The TSR was very wet underfoot in places. This was no doubt responsible for the wonderful flowering of the Large Golden Moth orchids which soon attracted our attention. The most interesting birds were the Grey Currawongs, but others of note included a Nankeen Kestrel, Brown-headed Honeyeaters, a White-faced Heron and Australian Wood Ducks with new ducklings.

We moved on to Sweeneys TSR, where we managed 20 species. Again, there was interest in the variety of flowering plants, something not seen in the past couple of years. A flock of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos was feeding in an adjacent paddock, and other birds included both pardalotes, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Noisy Friarbird, Grey Teal and Red Wattlebirds.

Sandra Henderson

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