Lake Burley Griffin is home to over twenty birding hotspots. Cycling around the entire 30km periphery of the lake affords an opportunity to see a considerable number of species in several different habitats. On a recent reconnaissance trip, I saw 60 species, with a standout species being Yellow Thornbill. At birding speed, the cycle takes about 3-4 hours. Leave from Mall Road West parking area, in between Questacon and the Lake at 8:00 am. Contact David Dedenczuk on 0417 222 154 or by Thursday 14 February 2019 to register interest.
Sun 17 February 2019 08:00am
David DedenczukPost event report
A small group of four COG members and their bikes gathered at 7.30 am on a clear, sunny morning to undertake the glorious 30km ride around Lake Burley Griffin. We proceeded in a clockwise (westward) direction, as this was away from the glaring sun, and meant that one dealt with the four big hills earlier, rather than later. We group decided to count species without counting the actual number of birds; to count all the birds, particularly the plentiful Wood Ducks and Magpie-larks, would take all day – and we only had half a day. There were frequent stops to add species. An interesting incident occurred at Yarralumla Bay, where we observed a dog harassing a distressed kangaroo, both swimming 100m out into the bay itself. We watched as both animals swam back to shore, then intervened to ensure that the exhausted kangaroo had a chance to escape the dog. Somewhere, there is an irresponsible owner. Soon after this drama, we encountered bird du jour – a Yellow Thornbill, much as had been described in the advertisement. Over the next four hours, and under an increasingly glaring sun, we cycled through several habitats, observing many of Canberra’s more common, and less common birds – such as Sacred Kingfisher. We completed the circuit with a goodly haul of 64 species, if one is to include Greylag Goose.