Wallaroo district

Sun 09 March 2025 08:00am

Marcus Hellyer

For this outing we’ll explore the Wallaroo district, an old pastoral district now mainly taken up by hobby farms between the Barton Highway and Murrumbidgee River just over the border from Hall. There will be opportunities for woodland and grassland birds, and we’ll also go down to the river corridor a couple of times, including using a secret path that few people know about. Because most of the area is private land, we’ll mainly be driving between those sites that are accessible without too much walking involved, but sensible shoes and gaiters/long trousers are always a good idea. Bring morning tea to enjoy by the river.

Parking can be limited so we’ll need to carpool. Meet at the old Hall Primary School on the corner of Victoria Street and Hoskins Street in Hall at 8.00am.  Finish time is approximately 11am.


Please register with Marcus Hellyer (pickelbarrel@gmail.com, 0418 264 868) with your name, mobile number and the name and number of an emergency contact.



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