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    Noisy Miners and Common Mynas - different but both disruptive

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    Plenty of these, but where are the Pallid Cuckoos in recent years?

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    Another Summer breeding migrant in Canberra

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    Sacred Kingfisher - a summer migrant in our area.

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    Out of Eden. A Fairy-Prion during a COG pelagic trip.

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    Will Brolgas ever return to the Canberra area?

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    Eyes up for Cicadabirds - not often seen, even in the ranges

Join COG today and help us care for Canberra’s birds

Canberra and the surrounding region has the richest bird life of any Australian capital city – over two hundred species have been recorded here. From our largest bird, the Emu, to the smallest, the Weebill, the birds of Canberra present an ever-changing kaleidoscope of sizes, shapes, colours and sounds.

Objects and Purposes

  • to encourage interest in, and develop knowledge of, the birds of the Canberra region;
  • to promote and co-ordinate the study of birds
  • to promote the conservation of native birds and their habitat.

Interested in becoming a member of COG?

  • Share your interest
    with like minds
  • Trips and talks
  • Learn about local
    birds and their habitat
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Upcoming Events


  • April meeting Wednesday 09 April 2025 07:30pm

    Chun-Chieh Liao - Vocal communication in highly social White-winged Choughs: How do they stay safe and stay together?
    Brendah Nyaguthii Nyagah - Beyond breeding: Spatial and social structure of the White-winged Chough during the non-breeding season
    Michael Lenz - Where do Noisy Friarbirds sleep? …a puzzle finally put together (sort of)…

    More info



    None scheduled