Yerrabi Track

Sun 27 January 2019 07:00am

Sandra Henderson & Steve Read

This will be a repeat of Suzi Bond’s successful morning outings here in the past few years.  Yerrabi Track is a moderate walk of 4 km return (~3 hours). The walk descends from the carpark through peppermint forest to a swamp, and then ascends through mountain gum/snow gum forest to a rocky summit with fantastic views. Be prepared for all weather conditions.  Bring morning tea and adequate water.


Target species include Superb Lyrebird, a range of honeyeaters and robins, Satin Flycatcher, Fan-tailed and Brush Cuckoos, Chestnut-rumped Heathwrens and Red-browed Treecreepers.


Meet at Lanyon Marketplace at 7am for car pooling. Suggested petrol contribution to drivers is $5. We should be back by 1pm at the latest. No need to register.


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