Wandiyali-Environa Conservation Area

Sat 16 November 2019 12:00am

Ryu Callaway

This will be a morning visit to a private restoration property near Googong. Meet at 7am in the Jerrabomberra Village
(shops) car park near the big roundabout for carpooling.
No need to register.

Post event report

On our wander around this private reserve we were accompanied by Carolyn Larcombe, owner and conservation manager of the property, and it was good to have COG member Rainer along, since he has been involved in the project for some years. The area includes Yellow Box/Red Gum woodland, grasslands, and some riparian areas. We managed 44 species for the morning, with highlights including Varied Sittellas, Diamond Firetails, many White-winged Trillers, Leaden Flycatchers and Dusky Woodswallows.  For eight species we were able to note breeding activity, and were assured the Nankeen Kestrels are also nesting.

Sandra Henderson

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