Wednesday Walk to Hall village

Wed 21 August 2019 09:00am

Martin Butterfield

Meet at 0900 at the junction of Victoria and Gladstone Streets Hall for a tour of the village and the ovals etc to the East thereof. If time and enthusiasm permit we may add on a visit to the Cemetery which often has something interesting.

Post event report

​23 members and guests gathered on Gladstone St in very windy weather for a stroll round the village. Good numbers of birds were feeding on the oval: 28 Red-rumped Parrots; 9 Eastern Rosellas; 5 Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (which number was swamped by a flock of approximately 30 which overflew – noisily). 2 Rainbow Lorikeets were seen in the flowering eucalypt outside the pub – which still had a fair amount of blossom. Not a trace of anything resembling a Scaly-breasted Lorikeet!

We headed off on Gladstone St for a look into some woodland, which was almost bird-free apart from a flock of 12 Superb Fairywrens. Continuing around the village listable birds included Pied Currawong, Noisy Miner, and Common Myna. Red Jungle Fowl (domestic form) were not regarded as listable, despite ranging freely on the roadside.

We extended the route up through some bush on the Northern side of the village. A distant Wedge-tailed Eagle, hanging stationary into the gale, was the sole raptor for the day. More notable birds seen in this area included Sulphur -crested Cockatoo poking out of a hollow; Yellow Thornbill; Buff-rumped Thornbill (Carrying Nest material) and 2 Scarlet Robins (as both sexes, possibly a pair but not seen intereacting).

In total 35 species were recorded, which is not a bad haul in view of the weather. Certainly the bush to the North of the village was the best area, being somewhat sheltered from the wind.

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