Walk to O’Connor Ridge

Wed 18 April 2018 09:00am

Martin Butterfield

The April Wednesday Walk will be to O’Connor Ridge, with an extension to the Eastern portion of Bruce Ridge possible if time and enthusiasm permit. Meet at 9:00am on Dryandra St, about 100m past the entrance to the tourist park.

Post event report

30 members and guests gathered on Dryandra Street for a definite return to the Tom Green model of a Wednesday Walk: close to the centre of Canberra and not too long. (This was reinforced with a unanimous vote not to extend to Bruce Ridge.)

The basic route was along the back of the Youth Hostel and towards the top of the ridge, then a counterclockwise loop. After the initial ascent there was a little excitement with the first Scarlet Robins of the day. (We ended with 8, spread fairly well through the walk, but appearing such that we felt they were different birds , not the same ones following us.) Little Corellas flew from the direction of the AIS into the suburb.

Shortly after encountering a small flock of Double-barred Finches (some seen, others evident by toy trumpet calls) we got onto a mixed feeding flock comprising some of the finches, a Speckled Warbler, Buff-rumped and Yellow-rumped Thornbills, Grey Fantail, Grey Shrike Thrush and Silvereyes.

A small dam produced 2 Australasian Grebes – until a passing pooch (on lead) went for a wade, whereupong the grebes headed for the reeds.

All up we recorded 36 species for the day. The full species list is at https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S44678802.

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