Point Hutt Pond

Sun 12 July 2020 09:00am

Sandra Henderson

Point Hut Pond in Gordon is a very large suburban pond which COG has not visited in the past. Meet at the carpark on McGilvray Close in Gordon at 9am (do NOT go to Point Hut Crossing). This is an easy walk of about 2.5km, with waterbirds and some bush birds to be seen.

Registration is essential, to shirmax2931@gmail.com – give your name and phone number.


Sandra Henderson

Post event report

This pond in Gordon, developed in the 1980s as a water quality control pond, was new territory for many of those attending the outing.

Most of the more common waterbirds were present, including Australasian Swamphens, Eurasian Coots, Dusky Moorhens, Pacific Black Ducks, Australian Wood Ducks, a couple of Australasian Darters and two Little Pied Cormorants. A tight flock of Rock Doves (probably domestic rather than feral birds) was visible in the sky throughout our 1.5 hour walk. There were very few honeyeaters around, with 13 individuals of only four species sighted, although the New Holland Honeyeaters posed nicely.

Sandra Henderson

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