Uriarra TSR

Sun 21 February 2021 08:00am

Sandra Henderson

This is a little-visited Travelling Stock Reserve on Uriarra Rd.

Meet outside the reserve gate at 8am. There is limited space for cars to park on the roadside, so numbers will be limited.   I may be able to arrange for the gate to be unlocked for the day, but if not it may be necessary to use a step-ladder (which I’ll bring) to get over the gate. There are some steepish sections through the reserve, but there should be a range of bush birds to find.  Please pre-register at shirmax2931@gmail.com. The walk should take about two hours. As usual, wear sturdy shoes and a hat, bring water and sunscreen.

Post event report

A dozen members and guests took the opportunity to visit this well-hidden TSR. Although small, the reserve provides some woodland area, grassland, and rocky slopes. Almost 30 species were seen, with highlights being Leaden Flycatchers, Grey Butcherbirds and a Speckled Warbler. Many thanks to ranger Brian S who visited ahead to time to ensure we were able to access the reserve without scaling the gate or the barbed wire fencing. Sandra Henderson

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