Percival Hill

Sun 27 August 2023 08:45am

Bill Graham

Start time: 8.45 am. Finish: approx 12.30 pm.

Description: Percival Hill Reserve to the south is bordered by Ginninderra Creek. It has lots of reeds and ground cover for many species including European Goldfinch, and Red-browed Finch and Double-barred Finch. We will pass Gungahlin Pond that has island rookeries for Royal Spoonbill and Australian White Ibis. The hill summit has a vantage point that suits raptors like Little Eagle and Wedge-tailed Eagle. The woodland hosts many species including White-eared and White-plumed Honeyeaters.

Meet at Harden St, Crace, by Crace Recreation Park for carpooling. This is a moderate ability walk of 4-5 km with a steep hill to climb. Bring sturdy boots, hat, warm clothing and morning tea.

Please register with Bill Graham on email (please note new email address).


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