Nursery Swamp

Sun 15 April 2018 08:30am

David McDonald

On this trip we will visit one of the most delightful spots in Namadgi National Park to ascertain which birds may be found in the high country in mid-autumn, and to obtain records of them. We will drive to the Orroral Valley. The first part of the walk is 2 km uphill on a fairly steep track, then we continue along a valley through Black Sallees to Nursery Swamp, a fen at 1,100 metres altitude containing peat that has been dated to 10,000 years BP. Walking distance about 10 km round trip. The area is of great significance to Aboriginal people, containing both rock art and tool-making sites. Meet at the Kambah Village shopping centre car park (cnr Drakeford Drive and Marconi Crescent) at 8.30 am for carpooling. Suggested contribution from each passenger to drivers: $10. We will return in the early afternoon, so bring morning tea, lunch and water, and be prepared for changeable weather as we will be at altitude. Registration for this trip is essential; numbers are limited. To register, or to obtain further information, please contact the trip leader, David McDonald, at telephone (02) 6238 3706 or 0416 231 890, or email .

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