Mt Taylor

Sun 26 August 2018 08:00am

Matthew Frawley

Meet at 8am at the Waldock Street car park in Chifley. This walk is a repeat of last year where we explored the lower slopes of the north-west area of Mt Taylor Nature Reserve, an important component of Canberra Nature Park. Bring water, sunscreen and morning tea. Numbers are not limited so no requirement to register. Contact Matthew Frawley at frawley.matthew@gmail if you have any questions.


Post event report

Thirteen people gathered at the Waldock Street car park entrance to Mt Taylor Nature Reserve in mild conditions to repeat a walk through the lower north-west slopes, last done in May 2017.  We had a list of 16 bird species by the time we departed the car park area, and this was quickly added to with more interesting observations.  Like last year, we were fortunate to see the Gang-gang Cockatoo, as two birds briefly flew overhead.  There were many other parrots around, such as Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Galah, Australian King-Parrot, Crimson and Eastern Rosella and Rainbow Lorikeet.  By mid-morning we had encountered mixed feeding flocks of small birds, with many thornbills, pardalotes and Weebills moving through the trees and along the ground.  We were able to see the Scarlet Robin and also had a few encounters with the Common Bronzewing.  Overall the conditions were very pleasant, with no sign of any of the forecast showers.  The dryness of the reserve was evident, with not a lot of last winter or early spring flowering.  A total of 36 species was seen or heard during the morning, with thanks to Sandra Henderson for again recording all the observations and submitting them to eBird.

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