Moncrieff Ridge

Sun 11 February 2024 07:45am

Bill Graham

This will be a short walk under 3kms for about 2 hours. Meet at 7.45am at the Amaroo District Playing Fields carpark off Horse Park Drive. Registration is essential. Please provide your name and mobile phone number as well as emergency contact name and number. Limited numbers. Book your place with Bill on Bring hat, sunscreen, sturdy footwear and morning tea.

Post event report

Six of us met on a lovely morning at the Amaroo Playing Fields, where our trip leader Bill Graham explained some of the landscape features and recent history of the area. We then walked down to the Gungaderra Creek, where we heard the call of a Golden-headed Cisticola and observed a group of Little Ravens flying overhead. Walking along the shared path just below the ridge allowed us to closely observe Striated Pardalotes, European Goldfinch, Black-faced Cuckooshrikes, Dusky Woodswallows (including one eating a cicada), and Crimson and Eastern Rosellas, among other species. 


At the dam a Little Pied and a Great Cormorant were sitting on dead wood, and other waterbirds such as Australian Wood Duck and Australasian Swamphen were also seen.

The highlight of the day was a pair of Australian Hobby, first seen flying and calling in the woodland on the ridge and later seen sitting in a tree right beside the path allowing for extended close observation of their brilliant brown plumage.

The morning yielded sightings of 44 species, which was quite a remarkable total and highlighted the importance of this park as habitat within an increasingly urbanised environment.

Thanks to Bill for leading this great walk.

Lachlan Duncan

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