Kelly Road

Sun 09 September 2018 08:30am

Sandra Henderson

Meet for carpooling at 8.30am at the Motor Registry on Couranga Cres in Hume. Kelly Road is off the Monaro Highway, not far past the NSW border. It runs for several kilometres parallel to the highway, and in the past has been a popular spot with COG members.  No need to register – just be on time at Hume!  Once we get to Kelly Rd we’ll be driving along the road, with several stops, with walks along the road at points where the vegetation looks promising.  Any questions to Sandra Henderson at

Post event report

On a fine spring morning, a COG party proceeded to Kelly Road Williamsdale, to survey the birds at several sites along the road.  Conditions had been very dry.  Nonetheless, the first site at the northern end of the road proved productive, with Diamond Firetails among blossoming shrubs, Dusky Woodswallows on the power lines and Brown Treecreepers calling in the nearby eucalypts.  As we proceeded south along Kelly Road, we encountered a fair variety of woodland birds, including honeyeaters, thornbills and both pardalotes.  Raptors seen included Nankeen Kestrels and Wedge-tailed Eagles.  The party enjoyed the bucolic and rustic scenes and each other’s company.  A total of 43 species was recorded.


David Dedenczuk

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