K2C surveys

Sun 08 October 2017 07:30am

Nicki Taws

COG will continue with the K2C surveys that have been running since April 2010. The surveyed properties have healthy populations of many of the rarer woodland birds such as Diamond FiretailHooded Robin and Speckled Warbler. We will be visiting the same sites to continue the monitoring and see if we can add to the property lists with spring-summer migrants. The surveys will be undertaken in ‘blitz’ fashion; that is, observers in small groups will visit a number of sites on one or more properties before regrouping for lunch and a sharing of the survey’s findings. Less experienced observers are welcome to join in the survey as each team will have at least one experienced observer. Anyone interested in participating is asked to contact Nicki Taws before Wednesday 4 October . Email:ntaws@bigpond.com or 0408 210736.

Post event report

The K2C bird surveys covered 41 sites across 20 properties from Williamsdale to south of Bredbo, completing the 8th year of the biannual surveys. One of the aims of the surveys is to monitor the response of the birdlife to conservation actions such as protecting remnant bushland and restoring woodland. The benefits of this were clearly demonstrated at one site which, when first surveyed 7 years ago, was a barren weedy hilltop with the only native plants represented  by tree and shrub seedlings nestled deep within protective guards. For years the seedlings battled against the horehound and a prohibitive density of kangaroos. And now, what a reward for the birdos who regularly surveyed this site to record 11 species including Rufous Whistler, Grey Fantail, Yellow-faced Honeyeater, Buff-rumped Thornbill, 2 pairs of nesting Yellow-rumped Thornbill, and 2 threatened species, the Scarlet Robin and Dusky Woodswallow.


A total of 94 species were recorded from all surveys, with 15 species recorded breeding. Almost all the expected summer migrants were recorded, including good numbers of the 4 common cuckoo species, the first of the Rainbow Bee-eaters, the occasional Rufous Songlark and White-winged Triller, and several sightings of White-browed and Masked Woodswallow flocks which have made an appearance in our region as the inland continues to dry out. It was a good survey for Hooded Robins, found on 4 properties, and one with very recently fledged young. The most widely recorded of the other threatened species was the Dusky Woodswallow on 12 properties, then Brown Treecreeper (6 properties), Diamond Firetail (4), Varied Sittella (3), then Gang-gang Cockatoo, Speckled Warbler, Scarlet Robin and Flame Robin on 2 properties each. Other species of interest were Southern Whiteface on 3 properties, Restless Flycatcher (2) and Jacky Winter (1). The return migration of Yellow-faced and White-naped Honeyeaters was barely evident but the overcast skies were not conducive to a big migration day.


Thank you once again to the COG volunteers, to the very accommodating landholders, and to Bush Heritage for hosting the lunch at the Scottsdale Reserve. The next surveys will be in April 2018.


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