Hall/One Tree Hill

Sun 01 November 2015 08:00am

Duncan McCaskill

We will walk the Centenary Trail from Hall to the summit of One Tree Hill. The trail goes through a mix of open pasture and woodland with a good mix of woodland birds. There are excellent views of Canberra from the summit. The walk will be about 9-10km in total and involves a 200m climb. We will probably take most of the day. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear, bring plenty of water and whatever food you need for the day. Meet at 8:00am at the One Tree Hill entrance to the Centenary Trail at the corner of Hoskins Street and Hall Street, Hall. Contact Duncan McCaskill by email at duncan.mccaskill@gmail.com. Bookings essential. Numbers will be limited because we will often be restricted to single file on a narrow track frequented by walkers, runners and cyclists.

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