Eden pelagic

Sun 19 March 2017 12:00am

Sandra Henderson, Anthony Overs

In 2017 COG will run its usual September pelagics, and is also running a single March pelagic (Sunday 19th). The outing will leave from Eden Harbour at 7am, and return mid-afternoon. The boat can accommodate 12 people, and the cost per person will be $110.

Organising travel and accommodation will be each individual’s responsibility.

Bookings will be confirmed only when full payment is received. Payment must be made by February 15, but please contact Sandra before paying. These trips need to be fully subscribed to ensure COG does not make a loss, and as is the case with all paid trips, preference is given to COG members. Once you’ve booked and paid, no refunds can be given unless a replacement can be found. No places will be made available to non-members unless the trips are not fully subscribed by COG members by mid-February. A waiting list allows for late replacements if people have to pull out for any reason, so if you’re prepared to make the trip with only a few days’ notice please let me know.

As with all boating activities the trip will be weather dependent and rough seas could lead to the cancellation or postponement of the trip.

Please book with Sandra Henderson (shirmax2931@gmail.com). Payment by direct deposit to COG’s bank account is preferred – details will be sent to those who express interest. These trips often fill up fast, so if interested please book early. Many places on this March trip have been taken up by those who missed out when one of last September’s trips had to be cancelled because of bad weather.

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