Callum Brae

Wed 17 August 2016 09:00am

Sandra Henderson
Meet at 9am at the Narrabundah Lane entrance to the reserve.  There is ample parking space on the opposite side of road to the entrance.
It’s likely to still be quite damp underfoot in places.

Post event report

On a nice mild morning 30 members and guests assembled on Narrabundah Lane.

Thank you to Duncan for entering the list and to Sandra for leading us around the patch.

In comparison with past outings two things were evident.
> We couldn’t get into the old zoo site because of a new fence This might have caused some species (Southern Whiteface and Speckled Warbler come to mind) to become unevident on the list.
> In the later stages of the walk we had open paddocks to walk, whereas on the last WW in this area, some years ago, we were in single file through chest-high Saffron Thistles (Carthamus lanatus).
In view of the time of year it is of interest that we recorded 2 breeding observations. An Australian Magpie was on a nest and Crimson Rosellas were inspecting a hollow. Australian Wood Ducks were perching in trees making enticing soft quacks and initially were not seen to actually inspect (or emerge from) a nest hollow However at least one observer did see a duck emerge so that is also a bona-fide breeding record. Ebird will be amended! Little Corellas and Sulphur-crested Cockatoos seemed to be hanging around trees-with-hollows but again didn’t make any form of committed action that could be rated as inspecting a hollow.

It is also the start of the period when migrants could be moving to their Summer locations. Two species, described unequivocally in the Annual Bird Report as Summer migrants, were observed. 2 Olive-backed Orioles were chasing each other through the canopy (presumably battling over territory rather than display flights) and an estimated 10 Tree Martins were foraging over a grassy patch with an approximately equal number of Welcome Swallows.

4 species with more complicated, partial migration status – Red Wattlebird; Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike,Grey Fantail and Scarlet Robin were also recorded.

The least common bird observed was Restless Flycatcher. 2 birds were observed and 1 photographed to resolve any debate over what had been seen.
Restless Flycatcher
In total we recorded 36 species.

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