Braidwood Landcare Surveys

Sun 08 November 2015 07:30am

Sue Lashko

The Braidwood Landcare group contacted COG in 2011 to see if we would be interested in surveying the birds on five to six properties where some revegetation has been done. These surveys were repeated in 2013 and will again be carried out in 2015. We will not only survey the revegetation sites, but also remnants and riverine areas. 10 to 12 surveyors are required for Sunday, beginning at 7.30am, and must be sufficiently experienced to undertake the survey. Hopefully the 2013 surveyors will be available again. Please contact Sue Lashko on 62514485 or if you are interested and to receive further details.

Post event report

Six members of COG surveyed six Braidwood properties which looked resplendent after recent rain.  This was the third biennial survey and we have now recorded 98 different species.  Species seen this year but not previously recorded were Pink-eared Ducks, Little Grassbird, Collared Sparrowhawk, Jacky Winter, Little Eagle,Azure Kingfisher,Fan-tailed Cuckoo and Grey Currawong.

On on eproperty, in willows beside a dam, we counted at least 17 Little Pied and 6 Little Black Cormorant nests, some with adults sitting on eggs and others with up to 4 young per nest, as well as two Australian White Ibis nests with chicks.  The dam itself had a wonderful array of ducks, with Pink-eared, Australian Wood and Pacific Black Duck, Grey and Chestnut Teal, and Hardhead.

It was pleasing to see good numbers of small birds in revegetated sites, including Yellow Thornbills busily nest building.  This species particularly favours acacias and casuarinas for feeding, although the nest was in a young eucalypt.

As always, the gardens around the houses were favoured by species such as Rufous Whistler, Grey Fantail, Eastern Spinebill, Superb Fairy-wren and Satin Bowerbird, with bowers seen at two properties.

Our thanks to the property owners for allowing access and for providing a delicious lunch at Durham Hall after the surveys.

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