May Meeting

Wed 09 May 2018 07:30pm

Alison Russell-French - the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust
Terry Korodaj and Paul Packard – Water for the environment – rivers, wetlands, waterbirds and waterbird food!

For the short presentation Alison Russell-French, chair of the of the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust, will provide COG members with a clearer understanding about the Trust, what it has been established to do, and its relationship with the ACT Parks & Conservation Service

The main presentation will be by Terry Korodaj and Paul Packard from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Queanbeyan, on “Water for the environment – rivers, wetlands, waterbirds and waterbird food”.

Join Terry and Paul on a fast-tracked 100-year journey to understand exactly what is being done to support river and wetland health in the NSW Murray-Darling Basin.

Water for the environment is actively managed in the Murray Lower-Darling, Murrumbidgee, Lachlan, Macquarie and the Gwydir river valleys to improve these important aquatic ecosystems. Terry and Paul will provide some insights into some of the following important questions:

– What is environmental water?
– Why do we need it?
– Who is managing it and where is it being delivered?
– Is it just for the birds?
– Which birds are benefitting?
– Is it making a difference?

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