
Sun 17 January 2021 08:00am

Sue Lashko

The meeting point for COG’s annual outing will again be next to Uriarra Homestead big dam, close to the T-intersection of Uriarra and Brindabella Roads meeting at 8.00 am. We will spend some time looking at birds on and around the dam, then come back to Uriarra Crossing and then Uriarra East. We are likely to see quite a few unusual birds and migrants including Nankeen Night-Heron, woodswallows, Dollarbird and Rainbow Bee-eater. There are good picnic and toilet facilities at both Uriarra Crossing venues. Please bring morning tea and water. Register at smlashko@gmail.com



Post event report

The first outing for 2021 began as usual at Uriarra Homestead dam with 28 participants enjoying perfect weather for birding: mild, still and sunny. Among the 38 species recorded at the large and small dam and the surrounding area were a female Musk Duck, two Nankeen Night Herons, two Black-fronted Dotterels, and a steady stream of Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos flying over.

Our next stop was Uriarra West where a short walk along the riverside yielded 24 species, the highlight of which was a female Satin Bowerbird feeding a juvenile with butterflies which the adult de-winged before presenting them to its offspring. An Olive-backed Oriole was on a nest, a White-faced Heron did a fly-over and the usual array of small bush birds kept us busy.

At Uriarra East picnic area, despite lots of picnickers, swimmers and dogs, we recorded 37 species.  Breeding activity included Leaden Flycatchers ON, Galah FY, Noisy Friarbird ON, NY and FY, White-winged Chough ON and juvenile Olive-backed Oriole and Willie Wagtail. Raptors put on a good show with a pair each of Wedge-tailed Eagles and Nankeen Kestrels, and a Brown Falcon.

Many people had not visited Stony Creek Nature Reserve so we did a short walk into the first section of the reserve. A Dollarbird flew over on the way in but then obligingly perched to give good views on our way out.  The resident Pied Butcherbirds with their two offspring showed well, with one of the offspring hassling a perched Nankeen Kestrel. The most notable absentee for the morning was Rainbow Bee-eater.

The total of 60 species was a good introduction to ACT birds for the birding newcomers who joined the morning outing.

Sue Lashko

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