The Wednesday Walk for May will be to Lake Springfield and the Poachers Pantry, both on Nanima Rd.

Coming from Canberra, turn right into Nanima Rd approximately 4km after leaving the ACT on the Barton Highway. Then go about 7km to where we will start at the Lake (aiming for a 9am start there). We’ll then move to the Pantry for refreshments and possible retail therapy before birding this property.
Those coming from Canberra may wish to carpool at 0815 from the Turner Bowling Club (home of Powl) while those from the Eastern hinterland may wish to gather at Mick Sherd Oval in Bungendore at 0800 (and travel via Shingle Hill Way).
After a very foggy drive 24 members and guests gathered at Lake Springfield, off the Nanima Road.
By the time the early arrivals had joined the Turner poolers binoculars had already been trained over the barbed wire and on the Lake, and Musk Ducks identified. We ended up recording 5 birds of that species, although this may have been a conservative count.
Passing through a convenient gate some more serious bird counting and identification occurred. The most numerous species were Eurasian Coot (at least 350) and Hoary Headed Grebes (250 in two rafts). Other birds on the water included 2 Freckled Ducks, at least 9 Australian Shovelers, and representatives of Black Swan; Australian Wood Duck; Pacific Black Duck and Grey Teal.
Off the water, but on the mud, were Black-fronted Dotterel (9); Red-kneed Dotterel (1); Black-winged Stilt (1) and White-fronted Chat (at least 3). A White-faced Heron was also seen on the dam wall and later flying over a paddock.
We then wandered along a few tracks getting a good array of bush birds, for a total of 42 species.
The group then shifted back towards Canberra swinging in to the Poachers Pantry for coffee, cheese plates and in some cases other nutrients including cheese and prosciutto!
Two extra species were noted here with the more interesting being two Wedge-tailed Eagles over a hill behind the restaurant. While one of the Eagles chilled out (it was still pretty cold) on a convenient dead tree the other soared over the hill riding the updraft and occasionally swooping down check the acceleration of a group of kangaroos.
Thanks to Terry Bell (aka T2) for organising the outing and particularly to the owners of Lake Springfield and the Poachers Pantry.