Meet at the London Bridge Car park at 9am and walk (about 4km return) to the Homestead.
Ebird records show a pretty good range of birds for August. We might come back across the Bridge if that is the view on the day and a visit to Tin Hut dam is also possible if time and enthusiasm permit.
Wed 16 August 2017 09:00am
Martin ButterfieldPost event report
5 weather resistant members participated in this visit to the Homestead at London Bridge, in Googong South. While there was little evidence of global warming, extreme weather events were evident in the wind.
This had some impact on the avifauna with very few smaller birds seen on the walk to the homestead. Good numbers of Australian Magpies, Eastern Rosellas and particularly Crimson Rosellas were evident at this stage. 3 Grey Currawongs were a less common species observed.
On arrival at the Homestead area 4 Flame Robins (2 of each sex) were flying around from perch to perch. At least 6 Southern Whiteface were observed feeding on the ground before flying off downwind at fair speed. The classic descending call of a Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo alerted us to the presence of this species and 2 birds were observed together with one fluttering its wings in an obvious display activity. A female Hooded Robin then appeared with a male of that species seen soon after. They were observed over quite some time but again the wind kept them oving.
We followed the creek back down to the Bridge itself where a large(ish) flock of 26 European Goldfinches were seen. The final excitement was a flock of hirundines flying low over an open area. It was concluded that most (15) of these birds were Tree Martins – migrants are returning.
In total we recorded 31 species plus a distant accipiter and we couldn’t decide whether it was a Collared Sparrowhawk or Brown Goshawk.