Meet at 0830 – note earlier time – at the parking area below the RSPCA off Kirkpatrick St, Weston.

We will walk along the bike path to the horse crossing and then go across to come back on the other side of the river. That will be around 4.25 km of mainly flat track. The main objective is the nesting Cormorants and Darters.
NOTE: if a Total Fire Ban is declared the walk will be cancelled. At this time the BoM forecast Fire Danger Rating is only “High” so a Total Ban is probably unlikely.
21 members gathered beside the North Weston ponds for a foray along the banks of the Molonglo as far as the low level crossing and back. The catalyst for this outing was a report on Cormorants and Darters nesting in the willows along the banks of the River.
Indeed breeding was happening. All three locally common species of Cormorant (Great, Little Black and Little Pied) were seen on nests as were Australasian Darters. It is to be hoped that these willows are retained.
Two checklists were made, one in each direction. 38 species were recorded on the outward leg on the South bank of the river(vide and 34 on the Northside return (vide Overall we logged 48 species (thus adding 10 additional species on the return).
In general terms, all the species seen were to be expected in such a location at this time of year. Less common birds recorded were Skylark (as we started off); Grey Butcherbird (outbound) and Yellow Thornbill (concrete crossing on return). In the not too distant past the flock of Little Corellas see as we started, and 6 Superb Parrots (seen by a member hurrying to catch up) would have been very exciiting
In hindsight it was surprising that no cuckoos were recorded.