Meet in the carpark near the Link Building at McClymont Way, Strathnairn at 8.30am. The track is 3.4km each way. When COG last walked this track in January last year we saw a nice variety of bush and water birds, and the views are magnificent. There are a couple of stiles to be negotiated along the way, but it is not a difficult walk. As usual, bring a hat, sunscreen, sturdy footwear and water. Registration is no longer mandatory. Leader: Sandra (
Wed 17 May 2023 08:30am
Sandra HendersonPost event report
Fifteen members and friends gathered at McClymont Way, Strathnairn, at 8.30 for a walk led by Sandra Henderson to Shepherds Lookout along the recently established walking track. The weather was unpromising at the start, with a cold wind and a forecast maximum of 14 degrees, but warming as the cloud cleared. We admired the iron artworks along our route, representing Wallaby Grass, the Chocolate Lily and Kangaroo Grass, and later paused at the splendid view of the Murrumbidgee from Gruner’s Vista. A female Scarlet Robin was seen early, with a Grey Shrike-thrush close by. A pair of Nankeen Kestrels was noticed on a dead tree some distance away, and a small dam held a single Grey Teal with four Australian Wood Duck on the bank. In woodland further along the way, mixed flocks of small passerines tested our skills in identifying fast-flitting thornbills and their calls. Striated, Brown, Yellow-rumped and Buff-rumped Thornbills were all seen in varying numbers, along with Weebills, Spotted Pardalotes, Grey Fantails and White-throated Treecreepers. Golden Whistlers gave brief snatches of song and two females were seen. Eastern Yellow Robins were heard calling but they stayed out of sight. Near Shepherds Lookout, another mixed flock greeted us. It included Brown Thornbills, Grey Fantails and a male Golden Whistler. Honeyeaters were represented by White-eared Honeyeaters and Eastern Spinebill, both heard. There was a notable absence, in a walk lasting over three hours, of Yellow-faced, White-naped and White-plumed Honeyeaters and Red Wattlebirds, as well as Silvereyes.
At the lookout, as members were commenting on the absence of raptors, a pair of Wedge-Tailed Eagles appeared in the distance and afforded good views as they soared closer to us.
The total number of species recorded was 33. The only mammals of note were two Red-necked Wallabies.
Our thanks are due to Sandra for leading a successful walk on a route new to some of us.
Kevin Windle