This trip is now full – no further registrations will be taken. Do not attend if you have not registered.
We will now meet at 7.30 am at the Uriarra West carpark (just over Uriarra Crossing, to the left).
There we will carpool to minimise the number of cars, hopefully into AWD / 4WD vehicles – the road is a bit rough in places. We will then all proceed to the bottom of Blundells Creek Rd. There is limited parking at our destination, so the fewer cars the better.
From the bottom we can walk a few hundred metres up Blundells Creek Rd, as well as exploring along Warks Rd in both directions from the intersection.
As usual, sensible shoes, sunscreen (although parts of walk are likely to be shaded), a hat and water.
If you are at all unwell please stay home. If you are unable to come for any reason can you let me know on 0435 820 461 (so we don’t have to worry about people who don’t turn up at Uriarra West).
Register at – give your name, mobile number, and emergency contact name and number.