Meet at 9.00am in the main car park at Kambah Pool. Take the left hand road (Kambah Pool Beach sign) after entering the reserve at the end of Kambah Pool Road.
The size, fitness and ability of the group will determine how far we walk along the track towards Casuarina Sands, before returning by much the same route to Kambah Pool. Depending on the group we may take the odd short excursion into the bush and/or along the river. There are an interesting variety of habitats and therefore possible interesting variety of birds. Come and help us explore.
Remember to bring water and clothing appropriate to the weather forecast. No booking required. If you have any questions contact Michael Robbins (mrobbins at
Nine members and friends gathered at the car park at 9.00 a.m. to walk part of the less-used northern track in the direction of the Cotter. The morning was cold and overcast, but the rain held off and we were spared the strong winds of the previous day. One early bird who arrived well before the start time was treated to the song of a Superb Lyrebird on the far side of the Murrumbidgee, but the rest of us missed out. A White-Throated Treecreeper was busy in trees at the car park as we assembled, and showed itself for all to see. We walked roughly 2.5 km northward, returning by the same route. Birds were not plentiful, but a sprinkling of honeyeaters made an appearance: Eastern Spinebills were the most numerous, but Yellow-faced, White-eared, White-naped, New Holland and Brown-headed Honeyeaters were also seen or heard in small numbers. Other species included Scarlet Robin and Eastern Yellow Robin. Twenty-five species were recorded in just over two hours. A swamp wallaby sitting very close to the path was quite undisturbed by our presence.
Kevin Windle