This walk will be around the big ponds at Coombs, with possibly an extension walk along part of Molonglo River. Meet at 8am at the parking area down from the RSPCA in Kirkpatrick Street, Weston. As well as a variety of waterbirds, there may be White-fronted Chats and raptors, as well as a number of summer visitors. Bring hat, sunscreen, water and morning tea.
Register by email to or phone/text 0403795156. Please provide your name, mobile number and the name and number of an emergency contact.
Fourteen people including a couple of new members attended on a warm sunny morning, after days of rain leading up to the day.
On the largest pond Sandra spotted a pair of Pink-eared Duck that flew in and landed as we skirted the edge. Then we wandered down to the Molonglo River checking out the local song birds at the rear of the RSPCA. There were Superb Fairy-ren and one Golden-headed Cisticola amongst other species. We walked further along to another crossing over the river and confirmed an Australian Reed Warbler feeding young.
Good sightings of several species awaited us at the upper pond including several active Welcome Swallow nests under the footbridge. There was a family of Australian Grebe with two very small chicks.
We then walked down a couple of streets in suburbia down to the causeway and around to the southern end of the lower ponds. There were mostly Pacific Black Duck squatting on the concrete walls enjoying the warm sunny day along with the other residents.
Other interesting birdlife included three Pacific Koel, two Eurasian Coot chicks, one Black-shouldered Kite, five Yellow-faced Honeyeater, two Rufous Whistler and several Fairy Martin nests. A total of 43 species was recorded.
Anne Fulker