Ashbrook Firetrail, Tidbinbilla NR

Sun 18 September 2022 08:30am

Ned Johnston

Ashbrook Fire Trail is a lesser-known walk in Tidbinbilla NR through tall forest along a creek. A good range of wet forest birds have been recorded such as Rose Robin, Superb Lyrebird and Red-browed Treecreeper and there is a possibility for returning migrants. The plan would be to walk about 1.5km from the Hanging Rock Carpark to where the fire trail crosses a creek and then return to the cars.

We will meet at the Tidbinbilla Visitor Centre Carpark at 8:30am and those who wish to can carpool from there to the trail head.

Distance: approximately 3km total. The walk is of moderate difficulty.

We should finish the walk by midday so participants will only need to bring morning tea, plus hat and water.

To register contact Ned Johnston at with your name and phone number as well as the name and number of an emergency contact. Places will be limited to 15.
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