Meet at the dirt carpark off Fitzgerald St, Yarralumla (-35.30366 149.11154) at 8.30. Beware when entering the carpark for it is very uneven due to erosion.
We will walk well-formed trails with the occasional foray into grassy paddocks. The walk will cover about 3.5km and take around 2 hours including a morning tea stop half way along so bring something to eat and drink.
We will visit the ghost town of West Lake for an historical interlude.
Register with Chris at with your name and mobile number, and name and mobile number of an emergency contact. As usual, suitable footwear and clothing for this time of the year are recommended.
Twenty-one members and guests joined Chris Davey for a walk around historic Stirling Park in Yarralumla. From the carpark we could hear the first of many Australian Wood Ducks, which were checking out possible nest hollows, as were quite a few Australian King Parrots. Just after entering the park a pair of Gang-gang Cockatoos landed above us, but were chased off by Noisy Miners which also pursued Pied Currawongs and King Parrots. The only small birds seen or heard through the morning were both local pardalote species – no thornbills, fairywrens, weebills or small honeyeaters were found, perhaps because of the aggressive Noisy Miners in the site. Satin Bowerbirds were heard near a bush near the track, and a black male and green bird were seen flying away. A Grey Butcherbird was seen bringing sticks to a well-advanced nest.
We also looked at the remnants of the Westlake settlement, which at one time housed 20% of the ACT population, and saw Sewer Vent No 3, one of three on the Main Outfall Sewer, which is still in use today.
Sandra Henderson