Umbagong District Park, Latham

Sun 10 September 2023 08:20am

Lia Battisson

Description: Umbagong District Park is in Latham and has Ginninderra Creek running through the middle of it.  A lot of work has been done over the last months to upgrade the bridges and this work is due for completion before the official re-opening on 1 September, just in time for spring.  We will explore the Park, which has not been visited by COG for some time. It will be an easy walk.

Meeting place: Meet in the car park on Dalley Cres, Latham, at 8:20 for an 8:30 start.  The carpark is about 50 metres from the intersection of Florey Drive and Dalley Cres.

Walking distance: 4 to 5 kms

End time (approx.): 11:30 am

What to bring: Water, morning tea, sunscreen, a hat and sturdy shoes.

Name of leader and contact details: Please register with the leader, Lia Battisson by email to, providing your name and mobile number, and the name and mobile number of an emergency contact.  Do so before 7pm on Friday 8 September 2023 as numbers will be limited to 15.

Post event report

On a beautiful spring morning, Lia Battisson led a group of eight on an enjoyable and productive walk around the recently re-opened tracks in the Umbagong District Park in Belconnen. In total, 35 species were seen or heard during the 2-hour walk, which began, before we’d left the carpark, with some members spotting a Collared Sparrowhawk and all of us seeing two Australian Magpie nests under construction.

We saw several species of parrots, several different honeyeaters including ten Yellow-faced Honeyeaters, and several thornbills including a group of four Yellow Thornbills. Among the species heard but not seen were an Olive-backed Oriole and a Shining Bronze-Cuckoo. At the beginning of the walk, Lia had promised us a surprise. This turned out to be a pair of Tawny Frogmouths, the male sitting on a typically scrappy nest and the female in the fork of a nearby tree.

Other highlights were three Red-browed Finches and good views of a single Australian Reed Warbler. The visiting student from the UK who was participating in her first COG outing was thrilled to see her first kangaroos and a Swamp Wallaby.

Thanks to Lia for leading this walk.

Wendy Whitham

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