Tathra – Kianinny Bush Cottages

Tue 31 August 2021 01:30pm

**This trip cancelled due to Covid** Prue Watters and friends

This trip will no longer go ahead due to the Covid lockdown in the ACT and NSW.

Description: This is a mid-week trip to Tathra staying for 3 nights in the Kianinny Bush Cottages located in bushland just outside Tathra.  Bird walks around our accommodation as well as excursions to sites within Mimosa Rocks National Park and nearby wetlands.   We can expect to see around 100 species including Glossy Black Cockatoos, Superb Lyrebirds, Crescent Honeyeaters, Hooded Plovers, other shorebirds and seabirds.

Meeting time and place:  Drive to Kianinny Cottages on the morning of 31 August.  Expect a bird walk that afternoon from about 1.30pm.

Walking distance: 2-5 km each day

What to bring: Self-catering or dinner at Tathra Hotel or other eateries in town.   Packed lunches some days.  More detailed information will be provided to those who register.

Participants must register with the leader, providing their name and mobile number, and the name and mobile number of an emergency contact

Numbers limited: Yes. Five cottages have been booked. Each cottage  has 2 bedrooms, one  with a queen sized bed and another with twin beds,  plus bathroom, kitchen and living area.  When you register, if you wish to share a cabin with particular people, please notify the leader. The cost will depend on the number in each cabin. The cost for one cabin for 3 nights with 3 people sharing is approximately $505 (ie about $170 per person for a 3 night stay).

Name of leader and contact details: Prue Watters   prue.watters@gmail.com    0414 357 456


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