private property near Hoskinstown

Sun 16 February 2025 08:00am

Peter Smith

Description: Mixed-eucalypt forest, including post-burn regeneration; garden around house. A range of forest species expected including Eastern Yellow Robin, White-throated Treecreeper, Superb Lyrebird, thornbills, Australian King Parrot, rosellas, Wonga Pigeon and Laughing Kookaburra, as well as spring/summer migrants.

Meeting time and place: 8.00 am, Spotlight car park, Queanbeyan for carpooling.

Walking distance: 4 km

Degree of difficulty: medium

End time (approx.): 12.00pm

What to bring: water, morning tea, hat, sunscreen, sturdy shoes

Registration: participants must register with the leader at least 36 hours in advance, providing their name and mobile number, and the name and mobile number of an emergency contact.

Numbers limited: maximum of 16

Name of leader and contact details: Peter Smith 0427 879 774

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