Molonglo Gorge

Sun 20 September 2020 08:30am

Suzi Bond

Description:  The river corridor walk takes in riparian habitat and open forest and woodland with a good shrub layer. We can expect to see a nice mix of water and woodland/forest species, with a variety of honeyeaters, parrots and small insectivores usually observed. Previous highlight sightings from this reserve include Speckled Warbler, Yellow-tufted Honeyeater, Fuscous Honeyeater, Spotted Quail-thrush, Scarlet Robin, Swift Parrot, Varied Sittella and Eastern Whipbird.

Please note there are toilet facilities available at the Molonglo Gorge Recreation/Picnic Area at the meeting place.

eBird hotspots: Molonglo Gorge, Kowen Forest – Blue Tiles

Meeting time and place: 8.30 am at the carpark at the Molonglo Gorge Recreation/Picnic Area. If you haven’t been here before, feel free to contact Suzi for directions.

Walking distance: Approx 6.8 km (return)

Degree of difficulty: Medium with a few steep rocky parts

End time:Around midday.

What to bring: Water, morning tea, sturdy walking shoes for some rocky sections, hat

Need to register: Yes, please email name and mobile number to Suzi if you intend to come along.

Numbers limited: Yes, limited to 15 people.

Name of leader and contact details: Suzi Bond,

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