Join me for a 3.5km loop walk over undulating terrain which, at birdwatching pace, may take 3.5 hours. From the Uriarra East Reserve car park, we will walk the loop in a clockwise direction, down to the Murrumbidgee River, past the remains of the former Camp Sturt to the intriguing Sturt Island. Thence it is south to the Molonglo River, up to the Uriarra Road and back to the car park. We should see a variety of woodland and riverine birds. Scarlet Robin is a possibility as is White-faced Heron and White-bellied Sea-eagle.
Meet at the Uriarra East Car Park at 8:00am. Bring warm clothes. Morning tea and water.
For enquiries contact David Dedenczuk by email: or mobile phone: 0417 222 154.
A resolute party of COG members and a guest gathered on a cold, but spectacular, early winter’s morning at the East Uriarra carpark. The sky was a brilliant blue, and the morning sun illuminated the low-lying mist in the Molonglo and Murrumbidgee valleys. In these cool, humid conditions, we commenced the loop walk, travelling in a clockwise direction towards the confluence of the two rivers. Laughing Kookaburras and Galahs were plentiful in the car park, filling the still air with their cacophonous calls, as we approached the banks of the river. Once on the track, we quickly encountered one of the hoped-for birds, an adult White-bellied Sea-Eagle, flying majestically above the Murrumbidgee. Two White-faced Herons flew in company upriver, before suddenly parting ways. We enjoyed glorious views of the Murrumbidgee, as the morning mist dissipated, with as many birds being heard as seen. Eastern Spinebills were well represented, especially below the ruins of the old Camp Sturt (destroyed by fire in 2003). On reaching the curious Sturt Island (the largest riverine island in the ACT), we encountered three Yellow-tufted Honeyeaters – probably bird du jour. Sturt Island also produced two Mistletoebirds. We passed the dramatic confluence of the two rivers, observing the nearby Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre (LMWQCC), before returning over the hill to the start of the loop. We sighted an excellent 41 species during the morning’s outing.